Join our Screen-Free Summer Holiday Challenge starting in July and download your FREE reward chart which includes 101 ways to get your kids off the screens this summer - it's FREE!
FREE Screen-Free Summer Holiday Reward Chart
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School holidays are a time when kids binge on screens
We know it's hard to occupy the kids 24/7. You have a million things to do and you're trying your best. 
We can help!
Download your FREE Screen-Free Summer Holiday Reward Chart and join the challenge now!  
Fed up of your child's excessive screentime use?
Do you have too much going on or other kids to look after?
Struggling for ideas on how to occupy the kids this summer holiday?
Don't miss out on the summer holiday challenge this year - join the #screenfreesummerchallenge tribe this July!
  • 101 easy and affordable screen-free activities to complete over the summer holiday
  • Free reward chart to track your child's progress
  • Prompts, offers, discounts, competitions and so much more delivered in your weekly emails
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